

Baptism is the sacrament that frees man from original sin and from personal guilt, that makes him a member of Christ and His Church. It is thus the door to a new and supernatural life.
This sacrament has been undisputed in the Church since the beginning of Christian tradition. It has never been rejected by any heresy intending to remain on a Christian basis. Doubts could arise only about the ways and means of administering it and on its effects and way of operation. These things are therefore in essence what Church documents about baptism deal with.


The Church Teaches

Baptism is a true sacrament instituted by Christ. It is administered by washing with natural water and at the same time invoking the Most Holy Trinity. Anybody, even an unbeliever or a heretic can validly administer baptism. Since it confers grace by the signs' being properly carried out children can and should be baptized even while still infants. Baptism is necessary for salvation. Baptism effects the remission of original sin and actual sins and of all punishment due to sin; it confers sanctifying grace, membership in Christ and in the Church and the obligation to obey the Church's laws, and give an indelible character.


Baptism at St. Mary

If you have questions about baptizing your child at St. Mary Parish, please call the front desk at (760) 745-1611. If you would like to have your child baptized, you may fill out the online form bellow or print off the PDF version and turn it in to the parish office. The Parish office will give you details for an interview, with dates and times of preparation classes.

What is the sacrament of baptism?

The sacrament of baptism is the grace by which God removes the stain of original sin, endows us with the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity, incorporating us into the life of the Holy Trinity making us His adopted children and directs us toward eternal life.


When is the appropriate time to baptize a child?

The Church has always taught that a child should be baptized during the first weeks of birth. Even though an infant does not understand the effects of baptism, Holy Mother Church has always baptized all the members of the household, including infants (Acts 16:33). By baptism, the child will grow in the grace of God with the help of the parents, the godparents and the community.


What do we do if our child is 7 or older?

A child that is 7 years or older should be enrolled in the Rite of Catholic Initiation for Children (RCIC) through the registration office for Religious Education. 
Be registered and actively participating in Mass for at least 1 month using your family envelope. 
Provide documentation and requested donation 
Attend the Baptism interview 
Complete the pre-baptismal classes 
Celebrate the Baptism of your child. 

Click Links below:

Pre-Baptismal Registration PDF

Registro Pre-Bautismal PDF

Contact Us

To register in the parish or for more information regarding baptism, please contact the parish office, 760-745-1611

Spanish Community Coordinator: Abraham Sanchez
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