Confirmation is a Sacrament which purpose is for the candidate to be strengthen with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, completing the work of Baptism. It is considered one of the sacraments of Christian initiation, together with Baptism and the Eucharist. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit that are achieved through confirmation are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, science, piety and fear of God.
Youth can apply for Confirmation when they are 13 years of age if their birthday is in April.
Candidates will receive Confirmation after two years of preparation and one retreat per year. Another year of classes will be assigned in lieu of missing a retreat.
They must pass the appointed test for each year.
Youth must be fifteen years of age or older at the time of Confirmation.
Present certificate of Baptism and Communion.
Class Schedule; Thursday for the second year of instruction: 6:30-8:00 pm. Monday for the first year of instruction: 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration fee from February to July $100 Textbook included.