Many parishioners have questioned who they should speak with when they want to request help, schedule Mass intentions, notify someone about a water leak, schedule time to speak to a priest, etc.
This short list will hopefully point you to the right person in the right job function to ask to speak with. If you don’t see your want/need in the list, then please call the Main Parish Office at 760-745-1611.
Main Parish Office
Mass Intentions; Funeral Arrangements; Message for one or more of the Priests; Marriage prep; Annulments; Request proof of sacraments received at St. Mary Parish; Baptism for children under 7 yrs of age; Questions re: Church events, Special Masses; Family registrations.
Phone: 760-745-1611
Religious Education Office
Register child for Religious Education; Schedule them for Baptism over the age of 7 years; Confirmation; 1st Communion; Quinceañeras; Family registrations; OCIC/OCIA/CICA; Providing documentation of Sacraments.
Phone: 760-745-1611 X806
Director of Administration
Human Resources; Parish Business; Finance.
Phone: 760-705-1611
Facilities Director
Schedule a room in all facilities, including church sanctuary; Report an outage or leak or alarm during normal business hours.
Phone: 760-745-1611 X210
Special Projects/
Communications Coordinator
Request notice in the weekly bulletin, on the website, or posted on the bulletin boards; Graphic design; Authorized use of the Parish logo.
Phone: 760-745-1611 X204
Preschool Director
St. Mary Preschool registrations; Questions
Phone: 760-705-9906
School Administration
St. Mary School registrations; Questions.
Phone: 760-743-3431
Gift Shop
Open Saturdays from 5:30pm–8:00pm Phone:760-745-1611 x11