

Sacristans Needed: 

Would you prayerfully consider joining the Sacristan Ministry? Sacristans assist our priests and parishioners by setting up for Masses to make our Liturgies reverent and worthy of Our Lord. Training and on-going support will be provided. If your answer is "yes", please contact Lidia Rennix 760-271-7743 for additional information. 

Hospitality Ministers Needed: 

We are in need of Hospitality Ministers for each weekend English Mass. We are looking for men and women - couples or singles - to welcome parishioners and visitors to our Parish and to our Masses. Smiling eyes, a warm “Hello, and welcome to St. Mary!” greeting, and cheerful attitude is all it takes. Please contact Mary Benson, Volunteer Coordinator at email address: volunteer@stmaryp.org or speak with any of the Hospitality Ministers at the Mass you already attend.... We want YOU! Please help! 

Lector/Reader Volunteers Needed: 

We have a need for Lectors who will assist at Sunday Masses by reading the Epistles, Responsorial Psalms and Parish announcements. Training will be provided. Please prayerfully consider becoming a Lector for the Mass you normally attend. Contact Kelley MacIssac (760) 717-5262 for more information about this ministry.

Committed Adorers Wanted: 

With increased hours of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, we are asking people to commit to an hour of adoration M-F from 9am-5pm. Please contact Donna Oeland at (619) 888-5751 (Spanish - Lourdes Alejandro 760-519-4226) for information or to register for your Holy Hour. 

Volunteer Sign Up

Thank you so much for considering volunteering at St. Mary Parish. We are so grateful for the help of our volunteers. We have a multitude of ministries, events, and daily tasks around the parish that need extra help in order to get done. Having volunteers to call on in times of need is what helps the many events happen and the extra tasks get done. Many volunteer opportunities exist, to volunteer, please fill out the form below.

Once you are entered into the Volunteer Master List, the Coordinator will contact you regarding any help needed to ask if you are available to help.

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