Mission Statement

Mission Statement

St. Mary Parish in Escondido, CA, welcomes everyone to enter God’s Covenant of love, forgiveness and healing and in turn follow His Will manifested in Revelation (Scripture, His life and Apostolic Tradition). As such, our Parish provides followers of Jesus Christ, who alone is Savior, the practice of Roman Catholicism witnessing in faith the one true God in the three persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Initiated into the life of God through grace by baptism, we are brothers and sisters in the mystical body of Christ, united in professing the faith in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus and steadfast in our pursuit to know, love and serve God.
Honoring His commandments in particular to “love Him above all things and neighbor as self”, and thus strengthen our parish, build up the Universal Church, and mission to extend the Kingdom of God, we pledge to always uphold the fullness of revealed Truth, teach and serve one another by word and deed, and live as faithful stewards of God’s gifts contributing our time, talents and treasures. Above all we resolve to conversion and holiness through prayer and sacrifice by “carrying our cross daily” to encounter God and exercise faith and hope in His love, mercy and promises taking advantage of all He has provided to aid us toward eternal union with Him in Heaven; namely the Bible (His Word), the Sacraments (His Life), the Church – Militant, Purgative and Triumphant (His Body), and Mary (His and our mother).

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